Technical informations

How we calculate the load for ball transfer units.

Correct choice 
ball transfer unit is important for any project.

In the following manual we will find important information to ensure the correct choice, which will guarantee us the appropriate load capacity, smooth operation and failure-free operation.

Calculation of the lifting capacity for ball thransfer units.
The load factor in the ball elements is 1.3 it means:
At least
3 ball units should be in contact with the load at any time, therefore we divide the load of the load by 3 = load on one ball transfer unit.

However, on a completely flat surface, the number of balls can often be higher to improve the parameters of cargo movement.

NOTE: When using ball elements in the downward position or at a different angle, a greater safety factor must be adopted and balls with a higher load capacity should be selected.

Arrangement of balls units on the ball table.
Correct spacing ensures that at least
3 ball units are under a part of the load at the same time. We calculate the spacing as follows:

ivide the shortest side of the load by 3,5 = spacing between the centers of the balls.

For example 350 mm ÷ 3,5 = space 100 mm

Depending on the shape and direction of the transported load, the spacing can be suitably used:

1) square

2) rhombus

3) elongated pitch


Draw spacing between ball elements only for upward use of balls.

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