Wave Kule transportowe i kulowe elementy transportowe

Ball transfer units
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Ball transfer units

WAVE company is specialized in transport balls and ball transport elements for conveyors, assembly stations, ball tables, conveyor belt intersections, as well as floors in production halls for moving large-size objects. We have many years of experience in professional industry. Our competence in working with engineers and supply departments of large manufacturing companies is a guarantee of reliable deliveries in the B2B system.

Random ball transfer units from our offer

Conveyor rollers bearings

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3D models of ball units

Frequent questions about ball units

Which load capacity of the transport balls should I choose?

The lifting capacity of the transport balls units should allow you to effectively operate, move and transport the items you use. Remember that the weight of an object is usually distributed in practice into at least several ball transfer units. You handle packages weighing 30 kg, you do not need to have balls units with such a load. The optimally matched transport balls are those that only bear part of the load. The load factor in the ball elements is 1.3, which means that at least 3 ball elements should be in contact with the load at any time, so divide the load load by 3 = the load on one ball element. However, on a completely flat surface, the number of ball units can often be larger to improve the movement of the load
NOTE: When using ball transfer units in a ball down position or at a different angle, a greater safety factor must be adopted and balls with a higher load capacity should be selected.

How can I pay for an order in the store?

When carrying out foreign orders;

  • Bank transfer – payment should be made to the indicated bank account number, which we will provide you in the e-mail confirming the acceptance of the order. You can make the transfer via the Internet. After the payment is credited to our account, we will start processing the order.
When will i receive my order?

Our current stock status is shown for each product. Depending on it, transport balls can be sent by us – from 24-48 hours. We make every effort to ensure that the offer presented on the website corresponds to the real stock levels, however, it may happen that the actual delivery time will be extended – we will inform you immediately. We know that no company can afford mistakes and downtime, so we make every effort to ensure that you receive your order as soon as possible. If you order multiple products, the shipping time for the entire order is matched to the product with the longest shipping time.




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